Well, what can I say? We now know there is a market out there for a psychopathic gentleman and a cockney Goth with tourette syndrome.Oh and Houdini, how could I forget the star of the show (spotlight stealing bitch).
We have plans people. Big plans... OK not too big or we couldn't get them on the train to the theater but easy to pack plans with a little space for a flask of milk. Cold milk.
Taking comments and advice (fair or unfair) from our audiences, the next show will be faster paced, more magic, more blood and a hell of a lot more face time of us on stage. That's right, us being off stage was apparently a negative. You have bought this on yourselves people. If we are on stage the whole time at what point can you walk out without being noticed because trust me, you move, you get it. Fully in the face.
We find the best way to watch our brand of strange styling's is to be pissed and merry (on both yours and our part) so a drinking establishment is required.
We already have a flyer idea and don't worry, crappy, home-made props and costumes will be making a strong return so do not miss out on that.
All in all, we are excited and will be letting you know when this show is up, running and ready for you viewing, taunting and general merriment.
Have a good night people. I must go now and do (insert stereotypical goth stuff here) *Gothic salute* >^^<
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